Dalgona Coffee - Dalgona coffee (Korean: 달고나커피) is a beverage made by whipping equal proportions of instant coffee powder, sugar, and hot water until it becomes creamy and then adding it to cold or hot milk. Dalgona Coffee is a cold latte drink that comes with a velvety smooth and sweet coffee foam on top. The combination of cold milk and bittersweet coffee is simply a match made in heaven. Забудьте о латте, капучино и рафе. В режиме изоляции неожиданную популярность приобрел дальгона-кофе.

Dalgona Coffee The Korean coffee drink taking the internet by storm, dalgona coffee is like a cappucino turned on its head, with the frothy coffee on top and the milk underneath. Don't worry about being bored because there is dalgona coffee that makes you happy! Anda bisa membuat Dalgona Coffee memakai 5 bahan dan 2 langkah. Begini cara membuatnya.

Bahan-bahan memasak Dalgona Coffee

  1. Sediakan 500 Ml Susu Cair.
  2. Siapkan 1 Sdm Kopi Instan (Nescafe).
  3. Kamu butuh 1 Sdm Gula Pasir.
  4. Siapkan 1 Sdm Air Panas.
  5. Kamu butuh Es Batu.

Langkah-langkah buat Dalgona Coffee

  1. Campur kopi instan, gula dan air panas kocok ± 4 menit sampai kaku/creamy (saya menggunakan mixer).
  2. Setelah kopi menjadi creamy. Masukkan es batu ke dalam gelas lalu tuang susu ± 250 ml lalu beri kopi tadi diatas nya. Dalgona coffee siap di nikmati..

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